
I have a video, today. As opposed to an image. 
Hipstamatic issued a new app called Cinamatic to produce short square clips, it's pretty nifty, very simple, it has one filter I really like so far, but with the option to buy more, just like Hipsta.
So here's the best clip I shot today:

Trying to persevere here and get something up here as often as possible. I'm always collecting evidence, just want to set a little more time aside than I have on a weekday and make something a little more combined - music/film/words. keeping on keeping on.

edit: I suppose it's good that I also always have to find a photo for the post so that an image appears on the home page. so here also is a photo:
this is a picture I took sitting next to Eyes during a day of self-congratulatory coffee drinking festival attending. it's my kind of picture. the lit blue lamp, the little sliver of giveaway tent, the cable line leading you in or out of the image, and the emptiness - when all around me were drunk & overly tanned people in this year's 'Cosmo says what you ought to wear to a festival garb'. :) 
and I only say that for effect, it was a pleasant day out. Look at the sky!

song of the day: Roscoe by Midlake, think I listened to this at least 100 times today



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Meet The Author

Hi - my name is Emma Jane. I am here to walk slowly back towards my creativity. It's a gentle stroll along a path which does not require anxiety to make my work. Thanks for coming to see what I've been up to. :) EMJx